Making sports broadcasts social through co-viewing experiences with Paul Bojarski, Sceenic
Sports Tech Feed - A podcast by STWS

Sceenic Watch Together white-label software solution (SDKs & APIs) power the world’s best co-viewing experiences for broadcasters, Leagues and OTT vendors, allowing users to share their favourite content with family and friends on their own platforms. Their clients include LaLiga, WeLoveGaming eSports and BT Sport among others. Paul Bojarski started his first company Skipworth, an online music streaming service, in the dot com boom era back in 1998, aged only 17. He then spent the next 10 years (2004-2013) running AOL UK and MTV Digital Ad Ops before relocating with Viacom to Buenos Aires, to head up Digital Ad Sales (revenue growth from $0.5m to $7m in just 2 years). Paul then once again innovated but this time in the video streaming space with SayYeah, the world's first Watch Together Premium Millennial Video Streaming service he co-founded in 2013, for which he led the fundraising and product. Subsequently, SayYeah pivoted to Sceenic in 2016, a B2B SaaS company he also co-founded, for which he secured funding from R/GA Ventures, SFC Capital, NMA.VC and LCIF and grew the company to 18 full time employees currently.