Winning The 2020 NHL Stanley Cup - Resilience And Flexibility In A Time Of Unique Adversity with Mark Lambert, Bay Lightning

Sports Tech Feed - A podcast by STWS

Mark Lambert enters his ninth season with the Lightning, his second as Director of High Performance and Strength Coach after previous serving as Strength and Conditioning coach. An industry veteran of more than 20 years, Lambert has worked with hundreds of athletes ranging from amateur ranks to the professional tiers as well. With the Lightning, Lambert is responsible for overseeing all planning for in- and off-season player workout regimens to optimize performance and increase player physicality. This episode is brought to you by Kinduct. Used by over 550 professional and elite sports teams, Kinduct's Athlete Management System consolidates athlete performance, wellness, and injury-related data. By consolidating often-siloed data, we empower coaches and trainers to make informed decisions that save time and optimize results.