STR #150 08/27/13 “In her WRITE mind”, Dara Creasey, Writer

StanaTalkRadio - A podcast by Sheryll Miah Elena and YOU


WHO can somehow make us want something we [the audience] didn’t even know we wanted? WHAT can compel us to think/feel.. all the while taking us along a journey without even leaving our home? WHEN can we root for some thing/one from our very core with sincere emotion all without even personally being involved? WHERE do motives, back stories, complex complicated circumstances have us willing to endure twists and turns only to careen down valleys and scale the highest of highs via our minds and hearts? HOW can we be soooo enamored and identify with a vast array of fictitious characters? WHY… it’s a “Story”, images of “Storytelling”, written by a creative “StoryTELLER”, a WRITER! Tonight’s STR special guest is one of Castle’s newest members to their writing team, Dara Creasey!  She will literally be putting words in Stana’s mouth as Kate Beckett in Season 6 and will no doubt continue to take us on this FANtastic “Castle” journey we love so much. We'll be asking Dara some questions first during our interview and we'll give YOU an opportunity as well – please have your questions [no spoilers] ready. Help us give a warm welcome to Dara [rhymes with Sarah] Photo credit/copyright: Dara Creasey show title reference: Dara is left handed, thus right-hemisphere dominance for brain function in a holistic thinking mode which doubles emotion and creativity. Win,Win!