STR #207 03/17/15 S7e17 "Hong Kong Hustle" Recap

StanaTalkRadio - A podcast by Sheryll Miah Elena and YOU


                                                ************ NOTICE  ************** STR EXPERIENCED A PARTIAL COMMUNICATION FAILURE AT THE 11 MINUTE MARK OF THE LIVE STREAM CAPTURE OF THIS SHOW. WE APOLOGIZE FOR THIS RATHER STRANGE AND SOMEWHAT UNPLEASANT "MEOW" SOUND YOU WILL HEAR FOR ABOUT 6 MINUTES. WE RECOMMEND YOU TURN DOWN YOUR SOUND OR SKIP AHEAD TO THE 17:41 MINUTE MARK TO MOVE PAST THIS ODD SKYPE LOST SOUND. HOWEVER, YOU MIGHT MISS THE NATURAL HUMOR OF MIAH, ELENA AND LEWIS. THANK YOU FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING.  STR TEAM.                                                ************* Hope you were able to watch last night's Castle episode, entitled "Hong Kong Hustle". It gave us a tiny glimpse into what kinds of things "Beckett" thinks about regarding her life, career and future with Castle... along with several of Castle's funny attempts to appease and even encourage his wife that she truly is THE BEST! Definitely a must-see episode in the 'Evolution of Caskett' and for every fan looking to the future for this beloved couple and for the entire Precinct Team. "Hong Kong Hustle" was directed by Jann Turner and written by Chad Creasey. After the latest news, we'll open up the STR Round table for your thoughts on this episode. Hope you can join us, here are Elena's questions for tonght's discussion: Photo credit/copyright[above and in random BTR order] ABC Studios/Network.