STR #211 4/21/15 S7e20 "Sleeper" Recap

StanaTalkRadio - A podcast by Sheryll Miah Elena and YOU


*** PLEASE NOTE: THIS SHOW ABRUPTLY ENDS AS IT RAN OVER THE ALLOTED TIME. OUR APOLOGIES ***   Did you watch last night's episode of #Castle, entitled "Sleeper"? Do you think it answered most of the questions about where Castle was when he was missing for two months or do you think it raised even more?  There was a lot of complex information given to us, the audience, in this episode. Perhaps a second rewatch might be in order! Here are Elena's STR Round a Table questions for tonight's show so you'll have some time to gather your thoughts till then: "Sleeper" was directed by Paul Holahan and writtern by David Amann. Photo credit/copyright[above in BTR random order]: ABC Studios/Network