1207 John Donvan + News And Clips

Stand Up! with Pete Dominick - A podcast by pete dominick


Stand Up is a daily podcast that I book,host,edit, post and promote new episodes with brilliant guests every day. Please subscribe now for as little as 5$ and gain access to a community of over 700 awesome, curious, kind, funny, brilliant, generous souls Check out StandUpwithPete.com to learn more My conversation with John Donvan begins at 29 minutes after headlines and cips   John Donvan is the moderator of Open to Debate since 2008, John Donvan is an author and correspondent for ABC News. He has served as ABC’s White House Correspondent, along with postings in Moscow, London, Jerusalem, and Amman. John is the coauthor of In a Different Key: The Story of Autism (Crown, 2016). In addition to premiering his first one-man show, “Lose the Kid,” in 2013 in Washington, D.C., John is a four-time Emmy Award winner and was a National Magazine Award finalist in 2010. Twitter: @johndonvan Nightline Essay John mentions :The forgotten waves of hope in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict Former ABC News Correspondent John Donvan digs into the archive of his decades of reporting to reflect on Israel's current war against Hamas and the past moments where hope existed for peace   Pete on Threads Pete on Tik Tok Pete on YouTube Pete on Twitter Pete On Instagram Pete Personal FB page Stand Up with Pete FB page All things Jon Carroll