167: Loss and Recovery

Standard Orbit: A Star Trek Original Series Podcast - A podcast by Trek.fm

Star Trek's Most Emotionally Powerful Events In this week's Standard Orbit, Ken and Nic dive into the most life changing and emotionally charged events across the Star Trek spectrum. From key events in the TOS episodes to the birth of Kirk and simultaneous death of George Kirk and Beyond; we'll explore the impacts of the hardest life and death circumstances on the crew of the USS Enterprise. As we explore our characters toughest moments; we discuss how did they impact the fans of the show. How might the incidents on the screen helped Star Trek fans deal with those difficult circumstances in their own lives. Climb aboard as we view the life journey of our favorite characters with care, emotion, humor, and pull from those experiences in our own lives.    Host: Ken Tripp  Guest Host: Nicolas Anastassiou     Feature   Welcome to Standard Orbit! (00:01:08)   Nic arriving! (00:01:26)  The Subject of Loss (00:02:40)  Mirimani (00:05:38)  McCoy's Trials (00:12:48)  Scotty's Stories (00:19:23)  Movie Elements (00:25:20)  Kelvin Timeline  (01:06:30)  POTFM (01:29:40)  Thank You for Listening to Standard Orbit (01:34:40)       Production    Zach Moore (Producer)  Ken Tripp (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Matthew Rushing (Executive Producer) Ken Tripp (Executive Producer) Renee Roberts (Associate Producer) Nicolas Anastassiou (Associate Producer)  Aaron Harvey (Associate Producer) Norman C. Lao (Associate Producer) Richard Marquez (Production Manager) Brandon-Shea Mutala (Patreon Manager)              Sponsor        Audible is the premiere source for audiobooks with more than 150,000 titles to choose from, and new titles coming every week. From classics to current bestsellers, and even some of the most famous Star Trek books like Prime Directive, Federation, and Spock’s World, Audible has something for everyone. As a Trek.fm listener you can get a free audiobook of your choice along with a 30-day trial to see just how great Audible is. So give it a try today, catch up on all those classic Star Trek books you’ve yet to read or that latest novel from you favorite author and support the network and our programming at the same time!