Lower Decks 5x01 & 5x02 Review
Star Trek Universe - A podcast by Matthew Carroll and David C. Roberson and Effie Ophelders

It's a fresh beginning for the end of a beloved series, maman! A cosmic fissure leaves the crew of the Cerritos in a position of crappy self-reflection as they're forced to face the paths they could have taken in 5x01, "Dos Cerritos" -- Then, in 5x02, "Shades of Green", our crew is still reeling from what they know of their counterparts while Tendi reels from the consequences of making the blue orions canon! It's a fine how-do-ya-don't, maman!Hosts:David C. RobersonMatthew CarrollNote: This episode of Star Trek Universe continues Dave and Matt's ongoing journey discussing Star Trek as they have since they were 6 years old during the early '90s.Join Us:Site: http://startrekucast.comApple: http://bit.ly/StuCastSpotify: http://bit.ly/StarTrekUCastSpreaker: http://bit.ly/StuCastSpreaker