Star Trek 2x06 - "The Doomsday Machine" Review
Star Trek Universe - A podcast by Matthew Carroll and David C. Roberson and Effie Ophelders

On this episode of Star Trek Universe, we engage with a HORN OF BUTCHERY, maman -- a regular CORNUCOPIA of CARNAGE… OTHERWISE known as THE DOOMSDAY MACHINE! Come lay with me until I go to sleep, maman. They say there's no devil, but there is! Right out of hell, maman, I saw it!Episode Reviewed:Star Trek 2x06 - "The Doomsday Machine"Hosts:David C. RobersonEffie OpheldersNote: This episode of Star Trek Universe continues young Effie's first watch of Star Trek in production order. Guiding her on this journey: Dave, a stalwart fan of almost four decades who rewatches along with her, provides trivia, insights and the occasional excitement-stoking minor spoiler. Join Us:Site: http://startrekucast.comApple: