Jennifer Partridge | Ending Relationships Better, Tapping & the Social Contagion of Spiritualism
Stars and Destruct. - A podcast by Juliana Spicoluk, Mark Spicoluk

Jennifer Partridge is a yogi, tapping expert & life coach with a deep passion for natural healing. She is the founder of Dream Awake, where she shares multiple tools for human transformation and for overcoming life's obstacles to reduce stress, and live a healthier, wealthier & happier life. In this episode, Juliana Spicoluk, Mark Spicoluk & Jennifer Partridge explore what it takes to get over an end of a relationship and the healing process through gratitude practice. They share their experience of living in Bali and Tulum, what it’s like to have a dog and how much they can teach us. What it takes to run a business and to stay true to own practice, finding purpose and the sacrifices needed to be made along the way. Giving birth and discovering female power through the ring of fire. JOIN THE @starsanddestruct MOVEMENT: » ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Guest Links: » IG » FB » YT » @JenPartridge ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ All topics discussed: Conspirituality, the greatest problem to have, Costa Rica, their children Xavian and Wilder, the danger of playing it safe, being conservative comedian and other labels, the pandemic, freedom, the price of freedom, ‘the news’, decision-making, participation versus avoidance, homeschooling, New Age-spirituality, white supremacy, conspiracy theory, censorship, moving to Austin, alienation, homeschooling, the holocaust, the nuclear family, impact, Viktor Frankl, purpose, victimhood, the children, ego and soul, vulnerability, routine, God, culture, consciousness, politics, wokism, punk, believing in Santa Claus, “Please Censor This.” ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Team Stardust: Juliana Spicoluk: » » Mark Spicoluk: » » Heidi Souffriau -producer : » » stars+destruct. » » ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ manifesto. We have chosen to construct this apparatus to explore a wild cosmos of minds, to awaken ours & other’s hearts, and to expand ourselves. To step off the mat & live the practice of unity. Because each & everyone of us sees the world through our own unique light. And we wish to connect our lights as constellations, beyond opinion. To challenge the false narratives that divide us. To stand strong with one another’s truths. To learn to hold different perspectives simultaneously. To free the path to the stars. To not just welcome, but to also enthusiastically embrace the disruption of our reality. And to create cosmos out of chaos. Welcome to stars+destruct.