Freelancing - Making Money From Your Niche Skills

Start Yours - A podcast by Oberlo


A recent report by shows a 41 percent year-over-year increase in freelancing – both in people hiring and those looking to become one – in the second quarter of 2020. With the surging demand and popularity, now is as good a time as any to begin freelancing. But although opportunities abound, there are things to keep in mind as you start and establish yourself.  In this episode of Start Yours, we'll hear from our hosts, David and Aleisha, both of whom have not only extensive experience in freelancing but also in hiring freelancers, as they share their expertise and tips from both sides of the equation. If you're looking to get started with freelancing, whether as a side hustle or as a full-time venture, you'll want to tune in to this value-filled episode. We hope you'll consider subscribing to the podcast and don't forget to check out the Oberlo blog, where we have loads more information on entrepreneurship.