Meet the Entrepreneur Who is Trying to Trade a Bobby Pin For a House

Start Yours - A podcast by Oberlo


This episode of Start Yours, we are bringing you the ultimate tale of bartering and exchange. Our guest is Demi Skipper from the @trademeproject. Demi started her quest to exchange a bobby pin for a house (!) in May and very quickly dominated TikTok and Instagram with her regular updates on some of the crazy exchanges that she has been making to reach her house goal.  This is an evolving story that we look forward to following but as of the episodes air date in August 2020, Demi has made 16 trades which include margarita glasses, a camera, collectable sneakers, an iPhone and a car… this week she has a 15” MacBook Pro to trade and I can’t wait to see what she gets next! Check out the Oberlo blog all about Demi's journey so far -