Survival Mode - Launching a Side-Hustle During A Life and World Crisis

Start Yours - A podcast by Oberlo


In this week's episode of Start Yours we bring you an amazing story of a couple who used their creativity and strength to launch two print on demand side-hustles in the hight of the COVID pandemic and also during an incredibly challenging time in their personal lives. Laura and Albert have 3 kids and 11 animals. In early 2020, just before the lockdown was declared, massage therapist Laura suffered a severe seizure, fell and broke her neck and back and had to be hospitalized. The family received a $30,000 medical bill. As well as being the sole carer for Laura and the kids, during the crisis, Albert also lost his job. They were at breaking point but instead of giving up, Albert decided that this was the opportune time to put his research and skills to the test and launch their first print on demand Shopify store. This is an incredible story of hustle and teamwork. Albert and Laura are optimistic and driven and share many great tips for launching a side-hustle and working and how to stay motivated during tough times.