HIGH YIELD 1: Top Weird Drug Reactions

Step 1 Basics (USMLE) - A podcast by Sam Smith


HIGH YIELD 1: Top Weird Drug Reactions Review for the USMLE Step 1 exam The podcast discusses high yield weird drug side effects that are unexpected. Cyanopsia (blue vision) with sildenafil (PDE-5 inhibitor) Hepatic necrosis with halothane (inhaled anesthetic) Tendon/cartilage damage with fluoroquinolones (antibiotics) Cinchonism with quinidine (class IA antiarrhythmic) Hemorrhagic cystitis with cyclophosphamide and ifosfamide (chemotherapeutic agents) Muscle pain and rhabdomylitis from statin use (cholesterol lowering med) Tartive dyskinesia with antipsychotics  Fanconi syndrome from expired tetracyclines (antibiotics)