Stepmum or servant?
Step Life - A podcast by Rachel Silver

Shayna, a stepmum to two boys aged 12 and 7, with different birth mums, talks about how she is struggling to establish her role in her blended family.
Claire Asherson-Bartram, a psychotherapist who works with stepfamilies, gives her advice to Shayna on how she can improve her relationship with her stepsons and partner. Claire gives her tips on things Shayna can do to feel heard and happier in her stepfamily rather than feeling invisible, isolated and alone.
Show notes:
Books mentioned in episode:
Fair Play: Share the mental load, rebalance your relationship and transform your life - Eve Rodsky
Surviving and Thriving in Stepfamily Relationships: What Works and What Doesn't - Patricia L. Papernow
Podcast music:
Carefree by Kevin MacLeod
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