Episode Sixteen-The Gunslinger Review, Part One

Stephen King Cast - A podcast by Constant Reader


"The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed."  With those words, a 19 year-old Stephen King embarked upon a decades-spanning journey that included 7 books, numerous tie-ins and a near death experience.  That's right, Constant Reader.  This week, I launch into The Gunslinger.  Please note that this week is only part one of a two part episode.  This week, I review The Gunslinger, trying to remain as spoiler-free about anything that comes afterward.  Next week, I place The Gunslinger into the context of the greater series and examine how well it holds up against the later novels.  This is one that I couldn't wait to review, and as of right now, this is my favorite episode I've recorded so far! Join our ka-tet as we make our way across the desert, into the mountains in our quest to reach The Dark Tower.  Will we reach it? Let's find out together! Thanks to Bright Giant for use of their song, "Jake and the Gunslinger."