Blood Pressure - Pharmacies in Ukraine - Bodybuilding Podcast Episode 43

Steroids Podcast - Real Bodybuilding Training Diet and Supplementation Science for Muscle Building - A podcast by Dan the Bodybuilder

Steroids Side Effects Blood Pressure - Bodybuilding Podcast Episode 43 Listen to the Bodybuilding Podcast on ITunes and Spotify! ULTIMATE GUIDE TO ROIDS #1 BOOK ON TRUTH IN THE HISTORY OF BODYBUILDING 0:00 Some Chat about what it's been like living in Belarus, Albania, and Ukraine 8:30 Ukrainian Pharmacies 14:05 Testosterone 1350mg per week 50mg Anadrol a day Blood Pressure 18:25 First Cycle Test Prop 700 Winstrol 60mg Superdrol 30mg, Nolvadex making him feel like shit 20:10 Gyno from Prohormones Had Surgery to Remove How to Gauge Estrogen Levels going forward 23:35 Taking Ansomone Pharm HGH at 3IU per day but not noticing anything crazy 28:15 Getting gyno from test and tren ace cycle but dont want to stop 31:00 Equipoise and Estrogen E1 Estrone 36:04 Self Phlemoboty - Getting Rid of Blood 41:16 Prolactin Side from HGH Generic vs Pharmaceutical 47:30 Getting Gyno on 500mg Testosterone Per Week 51:20 Oral Tren 55:10 Indigestion and Nausea from Oral Steroids 57:30 Getting Acne on Cycle but took Bloodtest and Estrogen Levels in the normal range 1:00:15 Gyno Control Discussion This Podcast is for entertainment and conversational purposes only. Serious Injury and Death can occur from utilizing chemical performance enhancement. This author does not support the use of illegal performance enhancing drugs. If any substances mentioned in this video are illegal in your country do not use them. The purpose of this podcast is not to glorify the use of PED's but to bring to light the reality of what athletes are doing privately. Consult a doctor before beginning any exercise or supplement routine. Do not take anything mentioned in this video as advice. It is simply conversation, not advice.