Steroids Podcast Episode 1

Steroids Podcast - Real Bodybuilding Training Diet and Supplementation Science for Muscle Building - A podcast by Dan the Bodybuilder

The Steroids Podcast Episode 1 Submit Your Questions at The Steroids Podcast Episode 1 0:00 How to Combat Estrogen Rebound How Aromatase inhibitors work 10:50 Support Supplements for Health During Testosterone only cycle 16:45 Andoxon or Andriol Testosterone Undecanoate Capsules 20:10 TRT with Metformin and Yohimbine for Fat Loss and Fasted Cardio 26:08 Testicular Shrinkage and Atrophy from Steroids is it Permanent How To Prevent it on Cycle with HCG 29:08 How Long for 6 week Dbol Only Cycle to Kick in and Muscle Gain Expectations, How to Keep Gains After Steroid Cycle 35:05 10mg-15mg Dbol Per Day Long Term as Androgen Replacement Therapy 37:35 Body Part Enlargement and Increase of Height Foot and Hand Enlargement from Human Growth Hormone Use 42:00 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Year Round with Small Blasts of Anavar Oxandrolone and Increased Testosterone Dosage 50:00 High Hemotacrit Red Blood Cell Count and Donating Blood After Steroid Cycle 55:10 Performance Enhancing Drugs Powerlifters Use and What To Use to Increase Strength Without Increasing Bodyweight 59:35 Jeremy Buendia 3D Bubble Muscle Look and Insulin Trenbolone and Pharmaceutical Grade HGH The Greatest Book on Bodybuilding and PED's Ever Written - This Podcast is for entertainment and conversational purposes only. This author does not support the use of illegal performance enhancing drugs. If any substances mentioned in this video are illegal in your country do not use them. Consult a doctor before beginning any exercise or supplement routine. Do not take anything mentioned in this video as advice. It is simply conversation, not advice.