The Steroids Podcast Episode 19 - Featuring Bodybuilder Vigorous Steve

Steroids Podcast - Real Bodybuilding Training Diet and Supplementation Science for Muscle Building - A podcast by Dan the Bodybuilder

ULTIMATE GUIDE TO ROIDS #1 BOOK ON TRUTH IN THE HISTORY OF BODYBUILDING submit your questions for the next episode at: 0:00 How to Know Who to Trust About Steroid Information 2:35 The Failures of Learning about steroids from Bodybuilding Forums or from People who are lying and telling you what you want to Hear such as IFBB Pro Greg Doucette and Dr. Tony Huge 5:50 What Steroids and Performance Enhancing Drugs Steve used to Build His Physique 6:30 Synthetic Carrier Oils such as Ethyl Oleate being used in UGL's Creating increases in Blood Vessel Inflammation 11:00 Trenbolone Dosages 13:00 Trenbolone Acetate 700mg per week Experience 16:25 Penis Problems on Trenbolone 19:30 Cabergoline and Heart Damage 24:20 Growth Hormone Effects on Blood Glucose 26:19 Insulin and Diabetes 31:15 Glycogen Loading and Insulin in Bodybuilding 33:55 Insulin and HGH Gut Palumboism 36:05 Reducing Gut Size once you already have a Gut 42:12 Steve's Love Affair with Anadrol 47:00 Getting Sick from Using Anadrol 50:22 Primobolan Dosage and Effects 54:40 Bodybuilders Thickening of Skin in the Face and Neck 59:25 Taking Steroids vs. Smoking Cigarettes 1:01:00 Thinking about what people who care about you would think of your Steroid Use and Side Effects 1:03:15 Testosterone Enanthate 2000mg Per Week Experience 1:09:50 High Testosterone Cycle and Estrogen Side Effects 1:17:40 Fasting for Health and Extreme Fat Loss 124:25 Zero Calories for 5 Days 1:31:45 Bodyfat Percentage Loss from Fasting Vigorous Steve's Instagram - This Podcast is for entertainment and conversational purposes only. This author does not support the use of illegal performance enhancing drugs. If any substances mentioned in this video are illegal in your country do not use them. Consult a doctor before beginning any exercise or supplement routine. Do not take anything mentioned in this video as advice. It is simply conversation, not advice.