The Steroids Podcast Episode 6

Steroids Podcast - Real Bodybuilding Training Diet and Supplementation Science for Muscle Building - A podcast by Dan the Bodybuilder

The Steroids Podcast Episode 6 00:00 500mg Testosterone per week Beginner Steroid Cycle Effects 03:57 What it Feels like to Take Steroids 05:15 First Steroid Cycle Experiences 06:20 Adding Trenbolone for First Beginner Steroid Cycle 06:50 Cosmetic Effects of Trenbolone Acetate 09:00 Knowledge of Good and Evil - Natty and Un Natty After Partaking of The Forbidden Steroids 10:55 Testosterone Propionate Effects vs. Testosterone Enanthate 13:20 Tongue Twister and Ester Weight of Steroids Explained 15:26 What Size Needles and Syringes for Injecting Steroids 16:20 Side Effects of Injecting Steroids with an Insulin Syringe 18:45 Is Expired Testosterone still Good? 19:15 Always Hungry on Testosterone Replacement Therapy 21:00 What is SHBG Sex Hormone Binding Glubulin - How Steroids Work by Communicating with Androgen Receptors 23:25 Muay Thai Fighter doesn't want to Bulk Up wants to use Anavar Only Cycle - How to use PED's to be able to train Muay Thai harder 26:27 Nolvadex Tamoxifen When to use it and How to Use it to Shrink Gyno Bitch Tits 28:15 How to Tell if you have Gyno Bitch Tits from Steroids 30:05 Anabolic Steroid use and the Immune System - Alcohol and Steroids 32:36 Belly Button popped out Umbilical Hernia and HGH growth hormone - How hernias form during weight lifting 34:40 My Experience with Umbilical Hernia from Weight Lifting and Hernia Surgery and Recovery 37:15 Dan Bodybuilder in Thailand Leg Infection Surgeries in Colombia 39:26 Arnold Schwarzenegger Steroid Cycle and what steroids Bodybuilders in the Golden Era used - Sergio Oliva Steroid Cycle - Larry Scott Steroid Cycle 43:02 Crescormon Cadaver Growth Hormone use in the Golden Era of Bodybuilding 43:55 Lyle Alzado Death from Steroids really from Crescormon Cadaver derived HGH Creutzfeld Jacob Disease 45:01 How rDNA 191- Amino Acid Growth Hormone is Manufactured by Genetically Modified E-Coli Bacteria 46:00 S23 and LGD-4033 are the Strongest SARMS they build muscle comparably Banned Prohormones or Mild Dosages of Anabolic Steroids 48:47 Steroids for Beginners - Beginner Steroid Cycle Example ULTIMATE GUIDE TO ROIDS #1 BOOK ON TRUTH IN THE HISTORY OF BODYBUILDING submit your questions for the next episode at: User-59382539 – The-official-steroids-podcast-episode-1 This Podcast is for entertainment and conversational purposes only. This author does not support the use of illegal performance enhancing drugs. If any substances mentioned in this video are illegal in your country do not use them. Consult a doctor before beginning any exercise or supplement routine. Do not take anything mentioned in this video as advice. It is simply conversation, not advice.