The Steroids Podcast Episode 7

Steroids Podcast - Real Bodybuilding Training Diet and Supplementation Science for Muscle Building - A podcast by Dan the Bodybuilder

00:00 Steroid Cycle vs. Blasting and Cruising on Steroids Why come off steroids and go through PCT just to go back on another cycle and shut off your fertility/natural testosterone production again 03:30 Some people take small dosages of deca and tren year round as "cruise" this is not healthy 04:07 When you go off of a steroid cycle your physique goes backwards. Reasons for Blast and Cruise or TRT testosterone replacement therapy 06:00 What is blasting and cruising on steroids 06:50 HGH growth hormone and it's abilities to speed healing of injuries and surgeries 09:49 Professional Football and it's Heavy Reliance on Growth Hormone Therapy to be able to play full season and recover quickly enough to perform at high level with only 1 week recovery 12:15 Testosterone Propionate vs Testosterone Enanthate for First Steroid Cycle 15:06 60 Years Old on TRT testosterone replacement, been adding primobolan and masteron at 400mg per week. Now going to run Trenbolone and HGH for the first time, trying to get freaky in middle age 16:25 High Blood Pressure from Steroids 17:47 HGH Growth Hormone changes the measurable thickness of an aging person's skin. 19:15 Human Growth Hormone Effects on Visceral Organ and Abdominal Fat 21:16 HGH Spot Reduction Fat Loss is Real 23:00 How Long does HGH last in the body. Split Growth Hormone Dosage into 2 injections per day 25:48 Listener changed testosterone dosage after listening to the steroids podcast and is now experiencing explosive gains 26:47 What is Sustanon 250? Sustanon 250 Effects. Sustanon vs Testosterone Enanthate 28:35 Organon Deca Durabolin and Organon Sustanon 250 in Pharmacies in Vietnam 31:42 LGD-4033 SARM Dosage cosmetic effect and muscle gains seen in days not weeks 33:40 LGD-4033 vs 500mg Testosterone Enanthate per Week 36:15 Antibiotics for Steroid Infection 37:10 Steroid Cycle Dosages of Super Heavyweight Bodybuilders vs Men's Physique competitors 39:25 Megadoses of Steroids. 1000mg-2000mg per week total steroids dosages common among jacked guys at the gym 42:13 220lbs 6% bodyfat Steroid Cycle to Achieve 240lbs 10% bodyfat - trenbolone - insulin - anadrol + winstrol - primobolan - masteron - You have to take a ton of steroids to look like a freak 47:05 Hypersensitivity to Recreational Drugs Correlated with Sensitivity to Performance Enhancing Drugs? 50:45 Metformin as a Performance Enhancing Drug 53:36 LGD-4033 vs S23 vs Ostarine MK-2866 Legal Anabolics 55:56 Peptides like Hexarelin and Mod-GRF compared to Pharmaceutical Grade HGH like Norditropin 57:40 Superiority of Bio Identical Hormones such as Testosterone and Human Growth Hormone for Performance Enhancement 58:29 Anadrol and Trenbolone Cycle Dosages for Long Term Muscle Gains 59:53 100mg Anadrol per day is best dosage. Anadrol vs Dbol 1:01:35 Steroids for Powerlifting submit your questions for the next episode at: User-59382539 – The-official-steroids-podcast-episode-1 This Podcast is for entertainment and conversational purposes only. This author does not support the use of illegal performance enhancing drugs. If any substances mentioned in this video are illegal in your country do not use them. Consult a doctor before beginning any exercise or supplement routine. Do not take anything mentioned in this video as advice. It is simply conversation, not advice.