Episode 90: Shelter in Place

Stoic Solutions Podcast - A podcast by Justin Vacula


You're listening to the Stoic Solutions Podcast - practical wisdom for everyday life. I'm your host, Justin Vacula, recording on March 25th of 2020 now day nine of self-seclusion following an emergency stay-at-home order here in Pennsylvania. This is episode 90, Shelter in Place. I share my thoughts addressing current challenges and how to keep a strong Stoic resolve in a period of uncertainty, seclusion, and deprivation. Visit my website at stoicsolutionspodcast.com where you can email me; connect with me on social media; find past episodes; and join my Discord chat server for interactive discussion. Support my work through Patreon, Paypal, the Cash App, and referral links by visiting the donate tab on my website. Mentioned in episode: Stay-at-home order in Pennsylvania: https://tinyurl.com/uff79lt ...Financial Irresponsibilility of Americans https://tinyurl.com/u58eskl Past podcast episodes: http://justinvacula.com/podcasts/ Support my work through Patreon, the Cash App, and Paypal and use referral links http://justinvacula.com/donate/ Find Justin Vacula online and listen to past content: Main website: http://www.stoicsolutionspodcast.com/ SoundCloud: http://www.soundcloud.com/justinvacula iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/stoic-philosophy/id1264404483 YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/justinvacula Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/justin-vacula/stoic-philosophy Google Play: https://play.google.com/music/listen?authuser&u=0#/ps/I4gq7yzmfr63glwfvin2kmciifq Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StoicSolutionsPodcast/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/StoicSolutions Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/justinvacula Engage at home or on-the-go with podcast listeners and people interested in Stoicism & Philosophy in my new interactive easy-to-use Discord chat channel: http://justinvacula.com/2018/04/02/stoic-solutions-podcast-discord-chat/ Podcast music, used with permission, is from Fairyland's album 'Score to a New Beginning.' View their Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/Groupe.Fairyland.Officiel/ John Bartmann offered free consultation and audio edits for episodes 51-63. https://www.johnbartmann.com/ Resources: http://justinvacula.com/resources/