1289: Holy Hell. Content Works.
Stories Mean Business - Nick Warren - A podcast by Nick Warren

As I type this, I'm number 1 on Google for the following niche phrases: seth godin story seth godin tension (which he wrote about this week) seth godin mythology seth godin comic books And then: seth godin storytelling (2nd place) seth godin assets (2nd place) seth godin selling (1st page) seth godin niching (1st page) Here are the resources I mentioned: Michael Simmons blockbuster post https://medium.com/accelerated-intelligence/the-1-mental-model-for-writers-who-want-to-write-high-quality-viral-content-43ecf0d4ec05 Brian Dean's course https://www.semrush.com/academy/courses/advanced-content-marketing-course-with-brian-dean/lessons/lesson-1/ ------------------- The Stories Mean Business podcast is the first draft of what I'm thinking. One Idea A Day, Every Day. Thanks for listening, Nick. Get deeper into business storytelling: https://storiesmeanbusiness.com/storybusiness/ https://storiesmeanbusiness.com/podcast