Ep. 82: Marcia Smith
Stories of Recovery | Alcoholism, Addiction & 12 Step Spirituality - A podcast by MARR Addiction Treatment Centers

Ep. 82: Marcia Smith Strong. Caring. Comforting. Direct. These are just a handful of adjectives that clients have affectionately used to describe Marcia Smith, LPC, director of MARR’s Right Side Up (RSU) – a six-month, state-funded, residential addiction treatment program for adult women (ages 18 and older), and adult women with dependent children (under age 13). Marcia’s loving guidance and strong leadership skills have led countless women and their families toward freedom.This episode not only offers valuable insights into Marcia’s character, but also provides a more in-depth look at the connection between a safe therapeutic environment and long-term recovery.Got a hot topic you’d like to propose for a future episode? Interested in becoming a guest on our show? Please send an email to [email protected].