Ep. 86: The Ego Deflation of a Successful Investor
Stories of Recovery | Alcoholism, Addiction & 12 Step Spirituality - A podcast by MARR Addiction Treatment Centers

Ep. 86: The Ego Deflation of a Successful Investor Sam M. was a high-flying investor in capital markets for residential mortgages. He had a wife and two kids that always took a back seat to his career. But that all changed when he got arrested for a DUI and ended up at MARR. In treatment, his peers and his counselors helped him realize what really mattered to him. In this episode, we also hear from Sam’s wife, Laurie, about her perception of Sam’s recovery. Our next episode will focus entirely on Laurie’s experience of Family Week at MARR, and how that experience was a game-changer for her and her children.