Quitting Your Job So You Have Time to Write

Story Coaching - A podcast by Charlotte R MacFarlane - Wednesdays


Is time the #1 thing holding you back from taking the next step in your author career? We could write so much more if we just had those 8 hours a day back instead of going to that pesky day job. In this episode, we talk about what you truly need to have in place before quitting your career to follow your writing dreams, and how my experience working 80 hours a week in my non-writing career actually made me a more productive writer.---PS, my group novel-writing mentorship, Write Now, is open until Nov 15. It's a great way to learn the craft of novel writing while being supported fully on your author journey. And as a special bonus, you get complimentary enrolment in three upcoming full length workshops on Character Development, World Building, and Plotting.Get all the details and join Write Now today: courses.thewritable.com/write-now-registration