Dragon's Pearl
Story Time with Yarn Story Factory | Free Stories for Kids! - A podcast by Yarn Story Factory : Teacher Nina

This story is about the legend of the Mighty River Dragon. Legend has it, the Mighty Dragon was once a boy, who came across a beautiful magical pearl. The magical pearl was a blessing to the boy and his mother, they were very poor. When the villagers heard of this magical pearl, they wanted to steal it from the boy. To keep the pearl out of the hands of the greedy villagers, the boy swallowed the magical pearl! Little did the boy know, the magical pearl turned him into a dragon! Join Teacher Nina on this adventure to find out what happened to this boy! To contact and follow YarnStoryFactory, check out these links: Website: www.YarnStoryFactory.com Twitter: www.twitter.com/StoryYarn Facebook: www.facebook.com/yarnstoryfactory Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/yarn-story-factory iTunes Podcast: Yarn Story Factory (apple.co/20LlHWw)