Christian Prosperie Talks Cosmic Horror, Astral Frontier, and Perspectives — Episode #112
Storytelling with Seth - A podcast by Seth Singleton

Christian Prosperie was first introduced to ASAP Imagination through the anthology Perspectives. Not only did he get to share a brilliant story that benefited the dyspraxia foundation, but Christian was inspired to publish a collection of short stories in the anthology Across the Astral Frontier. Space is not a natural environment for humans and the further we explore, the more we discover just how many dangers exist in a vacuum. Across the Astral Frontier As humanity reaches out…a universe awakens. Humanity in the far future, long believing we had reached our astral limit, now can extend beyond our home solar system. This ignites a new age of unchecked exploration. However, the blind ambition of uncovering the mysteries of the cosmos will turn the eyes of the universe toward us. These eight harrowing incidents are glimpses of the unforgiving nature of the unknown. Preorder - Perspectives In ASAP IMAGINATION’s first-ever charity anthology, every single writer that has been involved in this project has given you one of the greatest gifts possible—a part of their imagination. This is no small gift because they are giving you a piece of themselves, a world that they brought to life. That’s how powerful and precious their perspectives are. Linktree - Storytelling with Seth To Contact Seth Singleton: Documentary — Music by Coma-Medi from Pixabay #christianprosperie #acrosstheastralfrontier #perspectives #asapimagination #cosmichorror #storytellingwithseth