Talking with HAYDES and ASAP Imagination — Episode #107
Storytelling with Seth - A podcast by Seth Singleton

I first heard about HAYDES (P. Hayden) from L.A.Cunningham. When HAYDES and I sat down for a chat we explored the connections between poetry, stand-up, and comics, a shared appreciation of WildStorm's The Authority, and cost-efficient cosplay. But that was just scratching the surface. Hear all about the birth of a comics publisher, ASAP's connected universe, the chance to publish your comic through NE1 World, and the exciting possibilities behind the newly announced GIG. Visit the link tree below to find out more about the exciting possibilities happening right now. Find out more about HAYDES AKA P.A. Hayden Website: - one link to rule them all! About Perspectives In ASAP IMAGINATION’s first-ever charity anthology, every single writer that has been involved in this project has given you one of the greatest gifts possible—a part of their imagination. This is no small gift because they are giving you a piece of themselves, a world that they brought to life. That’s how powerful and precious their perspectives are. Storytelling with Seth To Contact Seth Singleton: Documentary — Music by Coma-Medi from Pixabay #haydes #pahayden #asapimagination #perspectives #dyspraxiafoundation #ne1world #indiecomics #writers #comics #comicswriters #gig #podcast #storytellingwithseth