070- What to Do About A Good Horse Gone Bad?
Straight From the Horse's Mouth Radio Show|Horse Radio|Horse Podcast|Creative Equestrians|Equestrian Mindset Coaches|Equine Artists/Authors|Horse Business Entrepreneurs| - A podcast by Paula Slater:Horse Podcast Host, Blogger, Equine Marketing Strategist

Over the last 25 years the same problem has been brought to Ed Crothers, Equine Analyst, over and over. A well-trained horse that has won numerous competitions and awards or that has been a wonderful riding partner has developed a bad attitude. This good horse has gone bad. What to do about a good horse gone bad? Suddenly the owner cannot control the horse like they used to. Every riding session becomes a fight the joy of riding slips away. Many times the horse is taken to a trainer to be corrected and while at the trainer the horse seems to be better for a time and then after returning home the "Bad Horse" comes out again. Other times the horse is turned out to the pasture in hopes that a little off time will bring the "Good Horse"back. Many times the horse never returns to the riding partner that they came to love, sometimes the horse is never ridden again. This is where the "Good Horse Gone Bad" philosophy comes in. Ed Crothers philosophy is centered around the well-trained horses that developed a bad attitude. The reasons behind the attitude change are fully explored and corrections are made. Many times the problems are solved and the "Good Horse" returns by the end of a session.u