US Energy Department assessment on the origin of the pandemic, “limited hangouts”, the WHO, and the evolving official narrative on the origin of COVID-19
Straight Talk MD - A podcast by Health Podcast

Last week, journalists from the WSJ reported that the US Department of Energy [DOE] had joined the FBI in concluding that the COVID-19 pandemic most likely arose from a lab leak in Wuhan. While the DOE assessment is supported by a growing body of circumstantial evidence in the public domain, the cloak and dagger manner in which it was leaked to the Press raises more questions than it answers. Today Sam Husseini and I discuss the DOE assessment—what we know and what we don’t know, the “limited hangout” post 9/11 that manipulated US public opinion to believe Iraq had WMDs, the WHO role in the ongoing investigation of the origin of SARS-CoV-2 and their appointment of Jeremy Farrar as Chief Scientist, and the rapidly evolving “official narrative” on the origin of COVID-19. Sam Husseini is an independent reporter covering WMDs and biowarfare since 9/11.