The Most Strange and Unexplained Audio Recordings

Strange Matters Podcast - A podcast by Campfire Audio Productions


In this episode we discuss some of the strangest sounds ever recorded starting with underwater recordings then moving to outer space and finishing up back on earth with several mysterious “sky-quakes”. “The Bloop” is one of the more famous underwater recordings and is thought by many to be created by some still undiscovered, deep-ocean creature. “The Julia” is a slightly more sinister recording that resembles a muffled, underwater cry for help. “The Upsweep” also remains a mystery however all of these underwater recordings share the trait that they are far louder than any noise ever created by a known animal. Many more practical theories exist including that of icebergs fracturing and dropping massive chunks of ice into the ocean. Listen and decide for yourself! Numerous recordings from outer space have fans debating whether this is the voice of an extra-terrestrial being or simply space dust colliding with the atmosphere of planets in our solar system. In this episode we also discuss the “Frantic Caller” who calls in to Art Bell’s Coast to Coast AM radio station, warning of extra-dimensional beings that have infiltrated the United States’ military and government. Is this a simple hoax or does this terrified caller speak the truth? Finally, we finish up with a discussion of “sky quakes” which are varying, trumpet-like sounds that seem to come from above. Many potential explanations exist for these terrifying noises; however many of them remain to be confirmed. These recordings are creepy beyond what words can describe… but what could they truly be? Are they man made noises or something more sinister? Listen to this episode and judge for yourself! iTunes | Stitcher | Facebook Page | Twitter Please take our short listener survey!