Obviously Awesome

Strategy Sessions - A podcast by Andi Jarvis


Episode 10 ‐ Obviously Awesome Featuring April Dunford, Luke Carthy and Andi Jarvis. Obviously Awesome is a such an obviously awesome name for a book, we had to rob it for the podcast. April is a world leading authority on positioning, the misunderstood marketing concept that can be the difference between winning and losing for your company. Developing a systematic way of positioning technology products and companies has become her life’s work and she has had the privilege of working with more than 100 companies, allowing me to go even deeper and broaden my positioning expertise. We talk about the concept of positioning, how to spot when it’s going wrong, understand how to do it right and throw in a few questions from social media in an enjoyable and insightful chat. Episode 10 also features a T.O.P.T.I.P from Luke Carthy, an ecommerce consultant who has some great last minute tips for sorting out Black Friday and Christmas for your business. As always, a big thanks to our sponsor, Moyee Coffee. I’m a big fan of the coffee and the work they’re doing to help farmers in Ethiopia and Kenya achieve a living income. Please check them out. April Dunford April lives in Toronto, Canada - one of my favourite places - and has kids, a small dog, and a cabin in the woods. I get the feeling the cabin in the woods is her favourite place in the world! The bulk of April’s work is with early and growth-stage startups. Companies where the stakes are high - and weak positioning can mean the difference between success or failure. She also work with large global companies, helping them develop deeper positioning expertise in their product and marketing teams. Her book, Obviously Awesome, came highly recommended by Rand Fishkin on this podcast and captures my ideas about positioning and a methodology for doing it that any startup can follow. It’s become a best-seller and popular among entrepreneurs, product, and marketing folk. April studied Engineering in University, and wasn’t meant to be in marketing or writing books, but it turns out she’s great at both of those. April’s book recommendations were: The Challenger Sale: How To Take Control of the Customer Conversation by Matthew Dixon Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind by Al Reis and Jack Trout https://www.aprildunford.com/ https://twitter.com/aprildunford T.O.P.T.I.P from Luke Carthy Luke is an ecommerce specialist who gets results. He’s a speaker, podcaster and dad and an all round great guy. https://lukecarthy.com/ https://twitter.com/MrLukeCarthy https://www.linkedin.com/in/lukecarthy/ Andi Jarvis If you have any questions or want to talk about anything that was discussed in the show, the best place to get me is on Twitter or LinkedIn. If you don’t get the podcast emailed to you (and a monthly newsletter) you can sign up for it on the Eximo Marketing website. Make sure you subscribe to get the podcast every fortnight and if you enjoyed the show, please give it a 5* rating. Andi Jarvis, Eximo Marketing.