Strategy Sessions: Eye Catching Marketing

Strategy Sessions - A podcast by Andi Jarvis


Mike Follett is the MD of a research company that uses eye tracking software to measure ad effectiveness.  His insights will blow your mind! Mike Follett is the Managing Director of Lumen, the leading attention technology company. Lumen uses eye tracking to understand the reality of attention to advertising, helping clients buy better digital media and develop more eye catching creative. In this episode we discuss: · Eye tracking technology and how it helps cut through opinions in advertising · Starting off doing studies on newspaper ads and moving into digital · How ad agencies work and the problems with opinion v fact · Measure twice and cut once in planning for your ads · Marketing as an art v science and the rise of data · Art directors v copywriters · Why you’re thinking about Facebook ads the wrong way · Why no one cares about your ads · The attention economy and algorithms · Marketing is more like seduction than war · Advertising attribution models and why you should look at incrementality not last click · Why the site your ads sit on has a huge affect on impact · Does advertising work Mike’s Book Recommendations Paid Attention: Innovative Advertising for a Digital World by Faris Yakob Eye and Brain: The Psychology of Seeing by Richard L Gregory The Attention Merchants: The Epic Struggle to Get Inside Our Heads by Tim Wu Bob Hoffman’s ad contrarian blog Mark Ritson on Marketing Week Mike Follett Mike began his career in advertising, working for in DDB in London, New York and Mumbai, before being part of the team that founded Lumen in 2013. He holds degrees from Oxford University and Imperial College London. Find Mike on LinkedIn: Or email him at [email protected] And Lumen Research on Twitter here: Andi Jarvis If you have any questions or want to talk about anything that was discussed in the show, the best place to get me is on Twitter or LinkedIn. If you don’t get the podcast emailed to you (and a monthly newsletter) you can sign up for it on the Eximo Marketing website. Make sure you subscribe to get the podcast every fortnight and if you enjoyed the show, please give it a 5* rating. Andi Jarvis, Eximo Marketing.