STS9 - PodCast - METAMO.07.01

STS9 Podcasts - A podcast by STS9


Over the course of a number of trips STS9 has made to Japan something becomes more and more apparent with each visit... It feels like a home so far far away from home that's for the most part, beyond description.  Whether it's the incredibly welcoming culture of the Japanese people or the lack of a language barrier between STS9 and their fans from Nippon, since day one of our inter-continental travels to the Land of the Rising Sun have been greeted with open arms like no place other.  With all that said, nothing could have prepared the band, or the 15,000 fans at this past summer's Metamorphose Festival for what transpired in the hot and humid early morning hours of Sunday August 26th, 2007.  What you'll find here are both sets, in their entirety, of music that turned a mass of thousands into what the band described as "the reason they play music".  With the sun creeping up over the mountains surrounding Metamorphose the band delivered two stirring sets that we fear might have been lost in translation to those of you state-side that may have let this one slip under your radar.  Well, here it is, from start to finish and we're confident that even 6 months later, the magic that was STS9's encore performance to their week long stay in Japan lives on in the hearts and minds of everyone that was lucky enough to attend. SET ONE:  BE NICE, RENT, ONE A DAY, LO SWAGA, 1103, MOVE MY PEEPS, UNQUESTIONABLE SUPREMACY OF NATURE