[#144] SUS PSYCHEDELICS, INC., Part One: Profits for Prophets

Subliminal Jihad - A podcast by Subliminal Jihad

Dimitri and Khalid begin to set the setting for a profound, ecstatic, therapeutic anti-heroes’ journey into the figures, fables, and fallacies that are fueling the modern psychedelic renaissance. PHASE ONE: INTENTIONS Dimitri and Khalid share their intentions for this journey, which include: holding space for the promise of entheogenic therapies while acknowledging the vast Jungian shadow energy of Peter Thiel’s various psychedelics startups, his employee Hamilton Morris splashing around in a pool of gold coins like Scrooge McDuck, the endless subliminal jihad of mainstream promotion of psychedelics from Michael Pollan to Joe Rogan, attempts to patent psychedelic molecules and therapy spaces, Psymposia’s trenchant critiques of the “corporadelic” revival, toxic therapy practices seeping into MAPS clinical trials, New York Magazine/Psymposia’s “Cover Story” podcast about sexual abuse cover-ups in the psychedelic underground, potential for spiritual/emotional addiction, the growing right-wing embrace of psychedelics that really ain’t nuttin’ new, Tim Leary’s claims that LSD cured Allen Ginsberg’s homosexuality, and why everybody suddenly stopped talking about the Machine Elves… For access to the full SUS PSYCHEDELICS, INC. series, subscribe to the Al-Wara' Frequency at patreon.com/subliminaljihad.