[#159] SHIP OF FOOLS: The Dracularity of Titanic, Part One

Subliminal Jihad - A podcast by Subliminal Jihad

Dimitri and Khalid take an overly ambitious, ill-advised deep dive into the immense dracularity surrounding the Titanic disaster of 1912, including: The resurgence of Titanic conspiracy theories following the June 2023 Titan disaster, predictive programming in Hauptmann’s “Atlantis” and “The Wreck of the Titan; or, Futility”, muckraker and Spiritualist William T. Stead’s cursed mummy rumor, a lost bejeweled copy of the possibly cursed Rubaiyat of Omar Kayyam, the Wreck of the Edward Fitzgerald, the Somerset Man, the role of Marconi’s wireless telegraph, the inexplicably sus behavior of SS Californian Captain Stanley Lord, Morgan’s men covering up the Californian’s duplicity, the shameful survival of White Star Line owner J. Bruce Ismay, what JP Morgan was or wasn’t up to, and “The Rescue of the Third Class of the Titanic: A Revisionist History”. Part one of two. For access to full-length Patreon episodes, upcoming installments of DEMON FORCES, and the SJ Grotto of Truth Discord, subscribe to the Al-Wara’ Frequency at patreon.com/subliminaljihad.