[PREVIEW] #125b - CONTRA VII, Part Two: Storming the Vampire Castle Bank & Trust

Subliminal Jihad - A podcast by Subliminal Jihad

*For access to full-length premium episodes and the SJ Grotto of Truth Discord, subscribe to the Al-Wara’ Frequency at patreon.com/subliminaljihad.* Dimitri and Khalid continue their investigation into Big Boy criminality as portrayed in Alan Block’s “Masters of Paradise”, including: Swedish Nazi billionaire Axel Wenner-Gren’s Shangri-La estate on Paradise Island, selling Paradise to kinky A&P heir Huntington Hartford II, Hunt’s Epstein fixer Sy Alter, the Lansky Syndicate’s post-Cuba forays into Bahaman casinos, James M. Crosby’s purchase of Mary Carter Paint Company and the rise of Resorts International on Paradise Island, more mafia power moves in Hollywood, turned-on silk topper Billy Mellon Hitchcock bankrolling Tim Leary and rationalizing the manufacture of LSD in Marin County, the Brotherhood of Eternal Love/Hell’s Angels Nazi acid cult, Resorts’ creation of the private intelligence agency Intertel, Howard Hughes’ mysterious stay on Paradise Island, Robert Vesco’s whirlwind of criminal financial activities, getting WASP-mentored in fraud and usury by silk topper Malcolm Evans McAlpin, hiring Nixon’s hippie nephew “Don Don” for a no-show job, the origins of OSS/CIA Far East Division bigwig Paul Helliwell and hotshot Chicago mafia attorney Burton Kanter, and how the arrest of Marin County LSD kingpin Allan George Palmer led to the first exposure of the mysterious Castle Bank & Trust in the Bahamas.