[PREVIEW] #128 - SCHISMOGENESIS: A Subliminal History of Cybernetics, Part 3 (with Jay)
Subliminal Jihad - A podcast by Subliminal Jihad
For access to full-length premium episodes and the SJ Grotto of Truth Discord, subscribe to the Al-Wara’ Frequency at patreon.com/subliminaljihad. Dimitri and Khalid reconvene with Jay the Neuroscientist (@The_Hague_ICC) to finish their exploration of cybernetics, including: suslord anthropologist Gregory Bateson’s “double bind” theory, Cathy O’Brien, from schismogenesis to schizophrenia, the coloniality of anthropology, Bateson’s psychological work for the OSS, the American family as a “weaning machine”, Bateson’s interpretation of the state-sponsored “native revivals” of Soviet Central Asia, Bateson’s curious “break” with the OSS after WW2, his pivotal role in conceiving the CIA with Will Bill Donovan, Harold Abramson dosing Frank Fremont Smith, LSD in Palo Alto, Dr. Leo Hollister, NLP and NXIVM’s biofeedback experiments, Keith Raniere’s patent for rehabilitating a Luciferian, RD Laing’s schizophrenia research, Aldous Huxley, schizophrenia-as-enlightenment, Freud’s early seduction theory, and Victorian fainting rooms as cybernetic stabilization mechanism.