*PREVIEW* [#186] LEPRECHAUNTOLOGY, Part Two: Yeats, the Faerie Revival, and NATO Black Magick

Subliminal Jihad - A podcast by Subliminal Jihad

For access to premium episodes, NOID-FM mixes, upcoming installments of DEMON FORCES, and the Grotto of Truth Discord, subscribe to the Al-Wara’ Frequency at patreon.com/subliminaljihad. Dimitri and Khalid continue their journey into the occulted world of the Irish faeries, including: faeries and angels in the early medieval Book of Armagh, why the “dark age” of Europe and “golden age” of Islam are psyops, leprechaun anxiety about not going to Heaven, the often-overlooked malevolent aspect of leprechaun folk tales, similarities with ayahuasca machine elves, the extremely sus Fairy Shoe of Beara Penisular, W.B. Yeats’ under-emphasized lifelong obsession with faeries, Theosophy, and the occult, his dense astrological treatise “A Vision”, the Royal Family Coroner forging all the writings of the Golden Dawn, the Cottingley fairy hoax that tricked Arthur Conan Doyle, the 1970s British Intelligence plot to psyop the Irish with false flag satanic rituals blamed on Marxists and the IRA, and the musical theater-loving leprechaun who pranked Dimitri and Khalid on wikipedia shortly before recording this episode.