*PREVIEW* [#198] METAPARAPOLITICS: AN INTERVENTION, Part One: Destabilizing "Parapolitics"
Subliminal Jihad - A podcast by Subliminal Jihad
This is a free preview. For access to premium episodes, new chapters of SEKRET MACHINE MUSIC, upcoming installments of DEMON FORCES, NOID-FM mixes, and the Grotto of Truth Discord, subscribe to the Al-Wara’ Frequency at patreon.com/subliminaljihad. After delivering a fatal existential blow to the Simpsons Bad Boy cult, Dimitri and Khalid turn their attention to the recent “Parapolitics” discourse that’s been raging on Twitter/X, and embark on a multi-part etymological investigation into the varying uses of the term. Before that, however, there’s some stale parasocial Haterade from various SJ opps that needs to be dumped down the drain…