[PREVIEW] #87 - ENTERPRISE WERWOLF: The Escape of Martin Bormann

Subliminal Jihad - A podcast by Subliminal Jihad

Dimitri and Khalid discuss Paul Manning’s “Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile” (1981) and William Stevenson’s “The Bormann Brotherhood” (1973), tracing the sinister deeds and mysterious disappearance of Nazi Reichsleiter Martin Bormann after the Fall, as well as: conspiracy and fraud in identifying the “bodies” of Bormann and Heinrich “Gestapo” Mueller, Bormann and Mueller covering up Hitler murdering his niece/lover in 1931, the original Mueller Report investigating/covering up Hitler’s Jewish (Rothschild?) lineage, the “Musk Ox” Bormann becoming Hitler’s psychosexual puppet master, Gerta Bormann’s Aryan cuckqueen fetish, the Bormann flight capital network to South America, the complicity of IG Farben, Krupp, Thyssen, Daimler-Benz et al, Reinhard Gehlen’s claim that Bormann was actually a deep cover Soviet spy, parallels with the 70s Soviet TV miniseries “Seventeen Moments of Spring”, and whether the Bormann network still infests the global economy and intelligence world today. For access to full-length premium episodes and the SJ Grotto of Truth Discord, subscribe to the Al-Wara’ Frequency at patreon.com/subliminaljihad.