*PREVIEW* DEMON FORCES V, Part Two: Shadow Worlds & The Last Crusade Of Gerhard Mertins

Subliminal Jihad - A podcast by Subliminal Jihad

FULL EPISODE: https://www.patreon.com/posts/158-demon-forces-87066105 For access to full-length Patreon episodes, upcoming installments of DEMON FORCES, and the SJ Grotto of Truth Discord, subscribe to the Al-Wara’ Frequency at patreon.com/subliminaljihad. Dimitri embarks on a terrifying dive into the career of Charles Taylor’s most mysterious arms dealer, the elite Nazi paratrooper-turned-Gehlen Org/CIA operative Gerhard Mertins. Topics covered: Mertins rescuing Mussolini with Otto Skorzeny in 1943, joining the Gehlen Org, training Nasser’s troops in Egypt, forming Merex Inc. in 1963, working with CIA arms dealer Sam Cummings, clashing with Army Intelligence handlers in Vietnam, bankrolling his friends at Nazi cult torture compound Colonia Dignidad, Mae Brussell tracing Jonestown/Dignidad interlocks, Mertins befriending Zhao Fei and the Pakistanis, joining Bill Casey’s crusade, shipping Polish weapons to the Contras, big deals with the Saudis, Arif Durrani, Bin Laden’s high school teacher Ahmed Badeeb, Prince Turki and Prince Bandar, hiring the shadowy Joe der Hovsepian, Charles and Bob Taylor becoming Merex agents, International Bank’s control of the Liberian Maritime Registry, ominous satellite intrigues, Samuel Doe’s relationships with BCCI and Meridien Bank, Bob Gates shitting on “High Maintenance” David Charles Miller, searching for “David Miller” the BCCI snitch, John Tower’s suspicious plane crash death, and figuring out once and for all whether Mertins was “Heinrich”, the mysterious German source for Time Magazine’s BCCI exposés in 1991.