Episode 167: Childhood Torture (with Ali Davis)

Suffer the Little Children - A podcast by Suffer the Little Children


On this podcast, I’ve told you the stories of many children whose deaths came at the hands of parents or guardians after extended periods of what can only be described as torture. Intra-familial child torture is a disturbingly common occurrence, and it has a 36% fatality rate for the children affected.In this episode, you’ll hear my conversation with childhood torture survivor and advocate Ali Davis. Ali survived 19 years of torture at the hands of one of her parents. Her experience led her to create the Pretty Graffiti Foundation to fund humanitarian aid for survivors of non-war-related childhood torture in the U.S.This is the inspiring story of Ali Davis and the Pretty Grafitti Foundation.Ali’s Medium article about her childhood experience: https://prettigraffiti.medium.com/i-survived-bill-gothards-cult-now-i-m-on-a-mission-to-secure-humanitarian-aid-for-other-ce35c54b37f5 Shop Survivor Owned: https://www.prettigraffiti.org/shop-survivor-ownedSign up for the Pretty Graffiti mailing list and/or request aid: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScBu-tClyVA6JEhFIL81HIoOtibK6Yd7K23NXa-0kG_B_bpQg/viewformAli Davis on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@_ali_davis_ The Pretty Graffiti Foundation website: https://www.prettigraffiti.org/ Pretty Graffiti Foundation on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/prettigraffitifoundation/ Ali’s article about how true crime affects survivors: https://prettigraffiti.medium.com/your-love-of-true-crime-is-not-more-important-than-trauma-survivors-agency-over-our-own-stories-a7fbc054d631 Ali’s upcycled makeup/embroidery pieces hosted by Palette Gallery: https://www.palettegalleries.com/online-marketplace/p/save-the-manKnox et. al, "Child Torture as a Form of Child Abuse" in the Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 2014: https://www.tdcaa.com/wp-content/uploads/Knox-Torture-as-a-Form-of-Child-Abuse-article.pdfShiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets on Amazon Prime: https://www.amazon.com/Shiny-Happy-People-Duggar-Secrets/dp/B0B8TR2QV5 Photos related to today's episode can be viewed on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sufferthelittlechildrenpod You can also follow the podcast on:Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sufferthelittlechildrenpodInstagram: