3 - Goal setting for Small Business Owners

Sun Tzu 4 Small Business | Strategy and Tactics, Technology and Leadership, Management and Marketing for Small Business Owners - A podcast by James Eling | Entrepreneur, Marketer, Strategist


Tech Focus - Prisma - This is an amazing app that allows you to create some great images from your photos.  Check out the video we've made using Camtasia and Prisma to build a very effective social media video.


What are the goals in your business?  Do you have them written down?  Should you?

We look at how goal setting can make a big difference in your company.

We break down how we use goals within our company and how they have helped us to increase revenue.

How does a 5 year goal articulate with your annual, quarterly and weekly goals and how does that drive your business.

We look at SMART Goals

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Assignable
  • Realistic
  • Time Based

I discuss the work of Ivy Lee and the work that he did at Bethlehem Steel for Charles M Scwab.  Schwab paid him the equivalent of $400,000.  What was that advice and how did it change his company.

We look at Dwight D Eisenhowers quote "Plans are useless, but planning is indispensable."