Sunday Supense #549 | Sherlock Holmes | The Adventure of Silver Blaze | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Sunday Suspense - A podcast by Rahul Mir


Mirchi Bangla presents Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes in 'The Adventure of Silver Blaze"' on Sunday Suspense.

Broadcast date - 5th January, 2020.

Introduction - Ayantika

Sherlock Holmes - Mir

Fitzroy Simpson, Colonel Ross - Somak

Inspector Gregory, Silas Brown - Agni

Ned Hunter - Atri

Dawson - Chayan

Sheep Caretaker - Altamash

Mrs. Straker - Upasana

Episode Direction, Radio adaptation and Dr. Watson - Deep

Translation - Priya Ghosh

Recording - Upasana

Sound design : Soumo & Subho (Crostec)

Poster design : Asterisc

Enjoy and stay connected with us!!