Sunday Suspense #553 | Coffin | Himadri Kishore Dasgupta | Mirchi Bangla

Sunday Suspense - A podcast by Rahul Mir


কফিনের ভেতরে বন্ধ মমি, যদি হঠাৎ জেগে ওঠে? #MirchiBangla presents Coffin by Himadri Kishore Dasgupta.

Date of Broadcast - 2nd February, 2020

Introduction - Ayantika

Narration, Kanoria - Deep

Sanyal, Restaurant Owner - Chayan

Pijush - Agni

Abinash Biswas - Angshuman Pal

Episode Direction - Deep & Upasana

Production & Sound Design - Subhadeep

Poster Design - Asterisc

Enjoy and stay connected with us!!