Sunday Suspense #562 | Hariye Jawa | Anish Deb | Mirchi Bangl

Sunday Suspense - A podcast by Rahul Mir


ফরেস্ট এক্স, যেখানে একবার গেলে, কেউ ফিরে আসেনা!

Mirchi Bangla presents Anish Deb's Hariye Jawa on Sunday Suspense.

Date of Broadcast - 5th April, 2020

Narration - Mir

Ranabir Sen - Somak

Raghunath Mohanti - Agni

Introduction, Das, Brigadier Choudhury, Episode Direction - Deep

Production & Sound Design - Soumo & Subho (Crostec)

Poster Design - Asterisc

Enjoy and stay connected with us!!