I Dream of Cameras #28 I’ll Be Quirky

Sunny 16 Presents - A podcast by Sunny 16 Podcasts


he barbarian hordes return fire with a fusillade of emails, and Jeff and Gabe recount their recent travel photography adventures.   The prodigious  mailbag! Including: do you hand-check your film at airport security? lens hoods — do you use 'em? folding camera recommendations listeners' favorite instagram feeds the teeming masses demand pinhole coverage! a new source for The Thingy (a.k.a. the 675 hearing aid battery to PX625 adapter) — Polar Bear Camera. They also sell on Etsy! Gabe’s trip to Albuquerque, including a visit with the Bill Nye of analog photography, Cameradactyl’s Ethan Moses the state of vintage camera shopping in Albuquerque Jeff’s trip to Philadelphia, where it was so cold the SX-70 battery shut down — plus his favorite travel camera, the mighty Olympus XA4 Gabe’s photo shoot with the Contarex Bullseye Jeff’s continuing adventures with the Voigtländer Perkeo Bergger Pancro 400 does not get along with CineStill Df96 monobath! what criteria do you use in selecting which camera(s) to bring to a photowalk? in closing: 28 episodes in, what have we learned?