Full-Stack Development Made Easy with Stephen Goldberg

Super Entrepreneurs Podcast - A podcast by superentrepreneurs - Wednesdays


Working as a solo full-stack developer is now possible with platforms like Harper DB, which make the process a lot easier. With Harper DB, Elon Musk can run Twitter with a team of 100 people and scale tremendously without all the costs.   In this episode of the Super Entrepreneurs Podcast,our guest Stephen Goldberg introduces his platform and explains why a hundred thousand developers appreciate it so much.   Who Is Stephen Goldberg ? Stephen Goldberg, CEO and co-founder of HarperDB, has been named the 2023 Bill Daniels Ethical Leader of the Year by the Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Collegiate Program at the University of Colorado Denver Business School.   With a strong background in the technology industry and a dedication to ethical principles, Goldberg has led HarperDB to significant growth and success. Join us to hear his story.   How is Stephen Goldberg Super? Being bullied in his childhood made Stephen relentless, which is something that impacted his life positively. So, not all the negative experiences are necessarily negative in the long run.   Shahid’s Key Insight Shahid highlights the fact that finding a business model or building a product/service that simplifies things is the first step towards success as an entrepreneur.   Chapter Stamps:   00:00 Introductions: Who is Stephen Goldberg and what is Harper DB? 02:20 Developers who graduated yesterday can start full-stack developing now 07:50 Elon Musk can run Twitter with 100 people 10:28 Hundred thousand developers using Harper DB 12:23 Being proud of seeing others use your creation to build cool apps 16:28 Story behind finding the idea 19:53 AI will help us advance forward 21:00 Innermost Superpower: Being bullied? 23:26 Final words Pullout quotes: “Making money is fun, but watching. somebody build something amazing with what you've built is a much more fun experience.” “I was bullied a lot as a kid and I think that made me relentless. And I think it gave me sort of a level of determination to never give up.”   Socials: Harper DP: https://www.harperdb.io/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephenjacobgoldberg/   ----more---- Notice to the Super Entrepreneurs community: I invite you to join my webinar on how to scale your business and improve the quality of your life, without constantly chasing strategies and feeling stuck. If you feel like you need to progress, this webinar might just give you the direction you need. www.shahiddurrani.com